Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Qu saber de controles migratorios en interior USA

Pocos programas son mà ¡s controversiales que el de los controles migratorios que realiza la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) en el interior de los Estados Unidos. Su finalidad es determinar el estatus migratorio de las personas que son paradas e interrogadas. Pero aunque ese es su fin principal, tambià ©n llevan a cabo labores de bà ºsqueda de drogas. De hecho, en los controles de carretera es frecuente encontrar perros entrenados para esa funcià ³n (lo que causa problemas en Nuevo Mà ©xico para las personas que utilizan marihuana con fines mà ©dicos). Dnde pueden encontrarse estos controles migratorios y fronterizos de la CBP en el interior En cualquier punto dentro de 100 millas (160 km) a contar desde la frontera, tanto la de Mà ©xico como la norteà ±a con Canadà ¡. En el caso de los estados de California, Arizona, Nuevo Mà ©xico y Texas, donde son mà ¡s frecuentes, suelen estar a una distancia mà ¡xima de 75 millas (121 km) a contar desde la là ­nea fronteriza que separa Estados Unidos de Mà ©xico. Qu tipo de controles hay en el interior del pas Por carretera Fijos, que pueden operar casi las 24 horas del dà ­a. Se encuentran ubicados principalmente en carreteras interestatales y autopistas principales (highways). Mà ³viles, tambià ©n llamados tà ¡cticos, que van cambiando de ubicacià ³n. Autobuses, trenes, estaciones de transporte La CBP puede efectuar controles tambià ©n siempre y cuando tenga lugar a menos de 100 millas de la frontera. En la actualidad este tipo de control està ¡ casi limitado a los estados del suroeste (frontera con Mà ©xico). Es decir, busca en las estaciones de tren y autobà ºs y tambià ©n se puede subir a bordo. Antes de 2011 tambià ©n era frecuente en los estados del Norte, como Washington, Michigan, Maine o Nueva York, pero en la actualidad està ¡ limitados a casos muy concretos. Qu pregunta la CBP Realizan preguntas tipo:  ¿es usted ciudadano americano? ¿hacia dà ³nde va? ¿quà © està ¡ haciendo? ¿este auto es suyo? Respuestas que se le dan Un buen nà ºmero de ciudadanos americanos se niegan a contestar ya que consideran que es un ataque a su libertad e incluso a la Cuarta Enmienda de la Constitucià ³n. Pero conviene resaltar los siguientes puntos: La Patrulla Fronteriza puede parar y, en su caso, detener Ninguna persona està ¡ obligada a hablar sobre su estatus migratorio (7 derechos del inmigrante indocumentado si es arrestado o detenido).Lo cierto es que, por ley, los residentes permanentes legales està ¡n obligados a llevar consigo la tarjeta de residencia (green card).Los extranjeros que està ¡n legalmente en el paà ­s deberà ­a llevar consigo un documento que lo pruebe, como el I-20 (estudiantes), pasaporte con visa reglamentaria, etc.Los que està ©n ajustando su estatus, pueden llevar una prueba de ellos. Qu sucede si un indocumentado es agarrado en un control migratorio en el interior Puede ser expulsado inmediatamente de los Estados Unidos o iniciarse u proceso de deportacià ³n. Otras formas de viajar domsticamente dentro del pas Estos son los documentos que se admiten para poder embarcar en un avià ³n para un vuelo dentro de los Estados Unidos o de salida a otro paà ­s. A tener en cuenta La CBP cuenta en la actualidad con aproximadamente 20,000 agentes en todo el paà ­s. Este programa de control fronterizo interno es muy criticado por amplios sectores de la sociedad, desde ciudadanos que sufren retrasos por estar sujetos a ellos, a defensores de las libertades civiles o de los derechos de los inmigrantes. La presidencia de Donald Trump està ¡ ocasionando  un gran impacto en asuntos migratorios, por lo que es conveniente estar informado y evitar ser và ­ctima de fraudes por parte de personas sin escrà ºpulos que se aprovechan del miedo y prometen cosas que, simplemente, no son posibles. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Marxism And The State An Analytical Approach Essay

Paul Wetherly is a member of Social Sciences faculty of Leeds Becket University, where he is teaching Introduction to Governance; Political Ideologies and Movements; and The State; Theories, Issues Challenges. He is also a member of the Marxism Specialist Group. Some of his work in Marxist politics theory are a book, Marxism and the State: An Analytical Approach (Wetherly, 2005); a chapter in the book, â€Å"Can Capitalists Use the State to Serve Their General Interests?† (Wetherly, 2008); and some journal articles such as In all essentials wrong ?: Miliband’s critique of pluralism revisited† (Studies in Marxism, 2013); â€Å"The theory of the state in Cohen s functional interpretation of Marx s theory of history† (Science and Society, 2006); â€Å"Marxism and economic determination: Clarification and defence of an old-fashioned principle† (Review of Radical Political Economics, 2001). In order to review Miliband-Poulantzas debate, we will use his book, Marxism and the State: An Analytical Approach, and chapter he wrote â€Å"Can Capitalists Use the State to Serve Their General Interests?† in Class, power and the state in capitalist society, where Wetherly became editor, together with Barrow and Burnham. According to Wetherly (2005), The central claim of Marxist instrumentalism is the state is an instrument of agents or social groups, which use the state power to realize their interest. Thus, the instrumentalist approaches being characterized as a form of ‘inï ¬â€šuence’ theory. By thisShow MoreRelatedImpact of Gender in Media and Film1006 Words   |  5 Pagesstimulus from a purely analytical approach. Without using Carl Sagens Baloney Detection Kit at my side I easily diverge from logical analysis approach and immerse myself in my emotional defense. What I want to do is pull two separate and different works together and focus on the impact of gender in media and film. 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It is posted here with permission of Jean Belkhir, Editor Introduction A taken for granted feature of most social science publications today, especially those about inequality, is the ritual critique of Marx and Marxism in the process of introducing theoretical alternatives intended to remedy its alleged failuresRead MoreNeorealist and Neo-Marxist Approaches to Globalization2148 Words   |  9 Pagesuniversity of sheffield | Critically compare the neorealist and neo-Marxist approaches to globalization. Which approach is most useful in your view? | Neo-realism According to Jackson and Sorensen (2003), the leading contemporary neorealist thinker is undoubtedly Kenneth Waltz (1979). His starting point is taken from some elements of classical and neoclassical, such as independent state existing and performing in an anarchical international system. 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Karl Marx, the founder of Marixism, believed that communism was the key to a more equal society, because society was divided into two groups the bourgeoisie, the middle class, and the proletariat, the lower class. He was against the ideas of capitalism, which he believed encouraged a system of inequality. Max Weber, a Marxist, explains how â€Å"materialRead More Rethinking Gramscis Political Philosophy Essay3376 Words   |  14 PagesRethinking Gramscis Political Philosophy ABSTRACT: This paper is a clarification and partial justification of a novel approach to the interpretation of Gramsci. My approach aims to avoid reductionism, intellectualism, and one-sidedness, as well as the traditional practice of conflating his political thought with his active political life. I focus on the political theory of the Prison Notebooks and compare it with that of Gaetano Mosca. I regard Mosca as a classic exponent of democratic elitism

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Diversity (Women and Lgbt) Free Essays

Associate Program Material Diversity Organizations Worksheet Complete the following table with notes and thoughts related to your findings: Site| Thoughts/Notes| www. madre. org| International women’s human rights organization that uses human rights to advance social justice. We will write a custom essay sample on Diversity (Women and Lgbt) or any similar topic only for you Order Now This organization’s mission is to advance women’s human rights all over the world. | http://justice-equality. org| Organization for Justice and Equality. This organization’s goal is the upholding of justice and the promotion of equality in the U. S. Their emphasis is on civil rights, government policies and operations, ethical issues and consumer grievances. | www. thetrevorproject. org| A national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth. This organization is the only one that focuses only on teens and young adults. They are also the leading crisis resource for anti-bullying initiatives. | Write a 750 to 1,050- word paper answering the following questions: * What has been the status of women in the United States throughout history? Throughout history, women have always been beneath men in the amount of respect they received, the lack of equality of rights and more recently salary. Even though women are stronger than men emotionally and sometimes it seems women are stronger than men when it comes to giving birth and then taking care of the family, while still working a full time job, women still get the short end of the stick. Even the Catholic Church doesn’t recognize women as the head of the household. There is no wonder; the Catholic Church doesn’t allow women in the pulpit either. * What is the status of women in the U. S. oday? The current status of women in the United States has improved a lot in the past 80+ years. Women don’t have to stay at home and raise the children any longer, where in the past there wasn’t a question of it happening. Women now have equal rights in most areas in the country, but they are still behind in the salary department especially in specific industri es. Women now hold positions as CEOs of large companies, but again their salary might be a bit lower than that of a man working for a different company The fact that women can take on just about any occupation available is a big change also. There are many occupations that are male oriented, but women have busted through some of those walls also. * What are some examples of concepts or constructions of masculinity and femininity that you see in society and in media? Concepts of masculinity in society lately have been young men sporting short hair again and wearing button down shirts with jeans. Also some middle-age and older men are starting to grow out their beards. This is most noticeable in the media though. Examples of concepts of femininity seem to change too often to notice. It seems though that short skirts are on their way back though in general. I have not noticed anything significant with the women in media or even with celebrities. The only time anything is really noticeable is during the award shows, but then that is just fashion for one evening. * Historically, what has been the social status of GLBT people? Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender and recently Questioning people have had a harder road than some of the larger minority groups in this country. Many years ago, being a ‘gay’ male or ‘lesbian’, might have meant they were going to lose their friendships or connection to family. The alternative lifestyle has opened up the doors of discussion in churches and all the way up to the White House. They have been an unaccepted people for a very long time. All the people of the GLBTQ community want is to have the same rights as married heterosexuals when it comes to marriage and adoption, as well as just to be accepted for who they are. * What is the status of GLBT people in the U. S. today? Today Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender people are a lot more accepted then say 30+ years ago, but there is still vast room for improvement. Depending on the state, it is now legal for gay men and lesbian women to get married. The same goes for adoption also. Currently there are about twelve states in the country that do not permit GLBT adoptions. That is because some of those states don’t recognize the couple as a true couple. They are basing their decision on the Bible, even though there is supposed to be a separation of church and state. Since the church does not acknowledge the GLBT lifestyle, they will never be accepted by the church. * What are some social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT people in the U. S.? In politics, women seem to be equal to men in the United States. The Supreme Court got their first female justice on September 25, 1981 when Sandra Day O’Connor was appointed. The next major milestone was the first Hispanic female justice. Sonia M. Sotomayor was appointed on August 8, 2009. Because of the last election, the senate has 20 female Senators, which is the most in history. Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House. As for members of the GLBT community, there are a handful of gay men and lesbian women who are known in government. Their lifestyle choice did not stop them from getting elected which is hopeful in the long run. They were voted into office because their constituents thought they were the best person for the job. I think the political arena is tougher for GLBT to navigate because it is such a hot topic between church and state and Democrats and Republicans. A person that claims to be conservative won’t be able to also come out as someone from the GLBT community. Most likely because Conservatives don’t accept the GLBT lifestyle to begin with. Socially, women have the edge of GLBT people also. Women have been accepted socially way longer then they had the right to vote. Granted, the socialization was usually just woman socializing with women; it was still an acceptable thing. For the GLBT community, they tend to socialize more amongst themselves than in any other forum. Not saying, they won’t socialize at all with heterosexuals. If they aren’t socializing with people that know they are of that lifestyle, they are not making it known that they are of that lifestyle. REFERENCES Johnson, R. (2013). Where is Gay Adoption Legal? About. com Guide. Retrieved from http://gaylife. about. com/od/gayparentingadoption/a/gaycoupleadopt_2. htm Supreme Court of the United States. (2013) Members of the Supreme Court of the United States. Retrieved from http://www. supremecourt. gov/about/members. aspx Terkel, A. (2012). Women In Senate: 2012 Election Ushers in Historic Number of Female Senators. Huffington Post. com. Retrieved from http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/11/07/women-senate-2012-election_n_2086093. html How to cite Diversity (Women and Lgbt), Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Drawing The Color Line Essay Example For Students

Drawing The Color Line Essay A complex series of events drove English American settlers to acquire African slaves. Desperate for labor in order to grow food for colonists became overwhelming. This especially pertained to Virginia colonists during starving time when settlers, crazed for food could be driven to dig up Corpses or roam the woods all in search for food (peg. 23). The number of indentured servants was dwindling during, making another source Of manual labor vital to the survival Of the colony. Indians were ineffective slaves since they were defiant, resourceful, tough and familiar With the land (peg. 24). The colonists frustration at their own incompetence while people they thought of as savages took care of themselves could have made them especially susceptible to beckoning the masters of slaves. Black slaves had been used previously by various European countries for years so the concept wasnt inconceivable. Furthermore, unlike Native Americans, these slaves were far from their cultures and the land was unfamiliar (peg. ). The conditions in which slaves were transported may have left black slaves in a state of helplessness, especially in the face of a superior force (peg. 26). Black slaves that were captured and sent to different countries on slave ships were chained together with a limited supply of oxygen, choking on the stench of their own excrement and sometimes killing in a desperate attempt to breathe (peg. 26). Under these conditions, black slaves must have been pu t in a state of psychic ND physical vulnerability. One out of every three black slaves survived (peg. 26), the transportation, however, the profits made these setbacks worthwhile for the slave trader (peg. 27) . Slavery in the south avgas much more severe than in the north because the south relied on manual labor for their plantations whereas the north focused more on manufacturing. Also, religiously, the two regions differed greatly. The north centered their entire culture on religion, and the south had no religious obligations.