Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Host Chapter 51: Prepared

I found Jared and Jamie in our room, waiting for me, worry on both their faces. Jared must have talked to Jeb. â€Å"Are you all right?† Jared asked me, while Jamie jumped up and threw his arms around my waist. I wasn't sure how to answer his question. I didn't know the answer. â€Å"Jared, I need your help.† Jared was on his feet as soon as I was done speaking. Jamie leaned back to look at my face. I didn't meet Jamie's gaze. I wasn't sure how much I could bear right now. â€Å"What do you need me to do?† Jared asked. â€Å"I'm making a raid. I could use some†¦ extra muscle.† â€Å"What are we after?† He was intense, already shifting into his mission mode. â€Å"I'll explain on the way. We don't have a lot of time.† â€Å"Can I come?† Jamie said. â€Å"No!† Jared and I said together. Jamie frowned and let me go, sinking down onto the mattress and crossing his legs. He put his face in his hands and sulked. I couldn't look directly at him before I ducked out of the room. I was already yearning to sit beside him, to hold him tight and forget this whole mess. Jared followed as I retraced my path through the south tunnel. â€Å"Why this way?† he asked. â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He would know if I tried to lie or evade. â€Å"I don't want to run into anyone. Jeb, Aaron, or Brandt, particularly.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"I don't want to have to explain myself to them. Not yet.† He was quiet, trying to make sense of my answer. I changed the subject. â€Å"Do you know where Lily is? I don't think she should be alone. She seems†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Ian's with her.† â€Å"That's good. He's the kindest.† Ian would help Lily-he was exactly what she needed now. Who would help Ian when†¦? I shook my head, shaking the thought away. â€Å"What are we in such a hurry to get?† Jared asked me. I took a deep breath before I answered him. â€Å"Cryotanks.† The south tunnel was black. I could not see his face. His footsteps did not falter beside me, and he didn't say anything for several minutes. When he spoke again, I could hear that he was focusing on the raid-single-minded, setting aside whatever curiosity he felt until after the mission was planned to his satisfaction. â€Å"Where do we get them?† â€Å"Empty cryotanks are stored outside Healing facilities until they're needed. With more souls coming in than leaving, there will be a surplus. No one will guard them; no one will notice if some go missing.† â€Å"Are you sure? Where did you get this information?† â€Å"I saw them in Chicago, piles and piles of them. Even the little facility we went to in Tucson had a small store of them, crated outside the delivery bay.† â€Å"If they were crated, then how can you be sure -â€Å" â€Å"Haven't you noticed our fondness for labels?† â€Å"I'm not doubting you,† he said. â€Å"I just want to make sure that you've thought this through.† I heard the double meaning in his words. â€Å"I have.† â€Å"Let's get it done, then.† Doc was already gone-already with Jeb, as we hadn't passed him on the way. He must have left right behind me. I wondered how his news was being taken. I hoped they weren't stupid enough to discuss it in front of the Seeker. Would she shred her human host's brain if she guessed what I was doing? Would she assume I'd turned traitor entirely? That I would give the humans what they needed with no restrictions? Wasn't that what I was about to do, though? When I was gone, would Doc bother to keep his word? Yes, he would try. I believed that. I had to believe that. But he couldn't do it alone. And who would help him? We scrambled up the tight black vent that opened onto the southern face of the rocky hill, about halfway up the low peak. The eastern edge of the horizon was turning gray, with just a hint of pink bleeding into the line between sky and rock. My eyes were locked on my feet as I climbed down. It was necessary; there was no path, and the loose rocks made for treacherous footing. But even if the way had been paved and smooth, I doubted I would have been able to lift my eyes. My shoulders, too, seemed trapped in a slump. Traitor. Not a misfit, not a wanderer. Just a traitor. I was putting my gentle brothers' and sisters' lives into the angry and motivated hands of my adopted human family. My humans had every right to hate the souls. This was a war, and I was giving them a weapon. A way to kill with impunity. I considered this as we ran through the desert in the growing light of dawn-ran because, with the Seekers looking, we shouldn't be out in the daylight. Focusing on this angle-viewing my choice not as a sacrifice but rather as arming the humans in exchange for the Seeker's life-I knew that it was wrong. And if I was trying to save only the Seeker, this would be the moment when I would change my mind and turn around. She wasn't worth selling out the others. Even she would agree with that. Or would she? I suddenly wondered. The Seeker didn't seem to be as†¦ what was the word Jared had used? Altruistic. As altruistic as the rest of us. Maybe she would count her own life dearer than the lives of many. But it was too late to change my mind. I'd already thought far beyond just saving the Seeker. For one thing, this would happen again. The humans would kill any souls they came across unless I gave them another option. More than that, I was going to save Melanie, and that was worth the sacrifice. I was going to save Jared and Jamie, too. Might as well save the repugnant Seeker while I was at it. The souls were wrong to be here. My humans deserved their world. I could not give it back to them, but I could give them this. If only I could be sure that they would not be cruel. I would just have to trust Doc, and hope. And maybe wring the promise from a few more of my friends, just in case. I wondered how many human lives I would save. How many souls' lives I might save. The only one I couldn't save now was myself. I sighed heavily. Even over the sound of our exerted breathing, Jared heard that. In my peripheral vision, I saw his face turn, felt his eyes boring into me, but I did not look over to meet his gaze. I stared at the ground. We got to the jeep's hiding place before the sun had climbed over the eastern peaks, though the sky was already light blue. We ducked into the shallow cave just as the first rays painted the desert sand gold. Jared grabbed two bottles of water out of the backseat, tossed one to me, and then lounged against the wall. He gulped down half a bottle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before he spoke. â€Å"I could tell you were in a hurry to get out of there, but we need to wait until dark if you're planning a smash and grab.† I swallowed my mouthful of water. â€Å"That's fine. I'm sure they'll wait for us now.† His eyes searched my face. â€Å"I saw your Seeker,† he told me, watching my reaction. â€Å"She's†¦ energetic.† I nodded. â€Å"And vocal.† He smiled and rolled his eyes. â€Å"She doesn't seem to enjoy the accommodations we provided.† My gaze dropped to the floor. â€Å"Could be worse,† I mumbled. The strangely jealous hurt I'd been feeling leaked, uninvited, into my voice. â€Å"That's true,† he agreed, his voice subdued. â€Å"Why are they so kind to her?† I whispered. â€Å"She killed Wes.† â€Å"Well, that's your fault.† I stared up at him, surprised to see the slight curve of his mouth; he was teasing me. â€Å"Mine?† His small smile wavered. â€Å"They didn't want to feel like monsters. Not again. They're trying to make up for before, only a little too late-and with the wrong soul. I didn't realize that would†¦ hurt your feelings. I would have thought you'd like it better that way.† â€Å"I do.† I didn't want them to hurt anyone. â€Å"It's always better to be kind. I just†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I took a deep breath. â€Å"I'm glad I know why.† Their kindess was for me, not for her. My shoulders felt lighter. â€Å"It's not a good feeling-knowing that you profoundly deserve the title of monster. It's better to be kind than to feel guilty.† He smiled again and then yawned. That made me yawn. â€Å"Long night,† he commented. â€Å"And we've got another one coming. We should sleep.† I was glad for his suggestion. I knew he had many questions about exactly what this raid meant. I also knew he would have already put several things together. And I didn't want to discuss any of it. I stretched out on the smooth patch of sand beside the jeep. To my shock, Jared came to lie beside me, right beside me. He curled around the curve of my back. â€Å"Here,† he said, and he reached around to slide his fingers under my face. He pulled my head up from the ground and then moved his arm under it, making a pillow for me. He let his other arm drape over my waist. It took a few seconds before I was able to respond. â€Å"Thanks.† He yawned. I felt his breath warm the back of my neck. â€Å"Get some rest, Wanda.† Holding me in what could only be considered an embrace, Jared fell asleep quickly, as he had always been able to do. I tried to relax with his arm warm around me, but it took a long time. This embrace made me wonder how much he had already guessed. My weary thoughts tangled and twisted. Jared was right-it had been a very long night. Though not half long enough. The rest of my days and nights were going to fly by as if they were only minutes. The next thing I knew, Jared was shaking me awake. The light in the little cavern was dim and orangey. Sunset. Jared pulled me to my feet and handed me a hiker's meal bar-this was the kind of rations they kept with the jeep. We ate, and drank the rest of our water, in silence. Jared's face was serious and focused. â€Å"Still in a hurry?† he asked as we climbed into the jeep. No. I wanted the time to stretch out forever. â€Å"Yes.† What was the point in putting it off? The Seeker and her body would die if we waited too long, and I would still have to make the same choice. â€Å"We'll hit Phoenix, then. It's logical that they wouldn't notice this kind of raid. It doesn't make sense for humans to take your cold-storage tanks. What possible use could we have for them?† The question didn't sound at all rhetorical, and I could feel him looking at me again. But I stared ahead at the rocks and said nothing. It had been dark for a while by the time we traded vehicles and got to the freeway. Jared waited a few careful minutes with the inconspicuous sedan's lights off. I counted ten cars passing by. Then there was a long darkness between the headlights, and Jared pulled onto the road. The trip to Phoenix was very short, though Jared kept the speed scrupulously below the limit. Time was speeding up, as if the Earth were spinning faster. We settled into the steady-moving traffic, flowing with it along the highway that circled the flat, sprawling city. I saw the hospital from the road. We followed another car up the exit ramp, moving evenly, without hurry. Jared turned into the main parking lot. â€Å"Where now?† he asked, tense. â€Å"See if this road continues around the back. The tanks will be by a loading area.† Jared drove slowly. There were many souls here, going in and out of the facility, some of them in scrubs. Healers. No one paid us any particular attention. The road hugged the sidewalk, then curved around the north side of the building complex. â€Å"Look. Shipping trucks. Head that way.† We passed between a wing of low buildings and a parking garage. Several trucks, delivering medical supplies no doubt, were backed into receiving ports. I scanned the crates on the dock, all labeled. â€Å"Keep going†¦ though we might want to grab some of those on the way back. See-Heal†¦ Cool†¦ Still? I wonder what that one is.† I liked that these supplies were labeled and left unguarded. My family wouldn't go without the things they needed when I was gone. When I was gone; it seemed that phrase was tacked on to all of my thoughts now. We rounded the back of another building. Jared drove a little faster and kept his eyes forward-there were people here, four of them, unloading a truck onto a dock. It was the exactness of their movements that caught my attention. They didn't handle the smallish boxes roughly; quite the contrary, they placed them with infinite care onto the waist-high lip of concrete. I didn't really need the label for confirmation, but just then, one of the unloaders turned his box so the black letters faced me directly. â€Å"This is the place we want. They're unloading occupied tanks right now. The empty ones won't be far†¦ Ah! There, on the other side. That shed is half full of them. I'll bet the closed sheds are all the way full.† Jared kept driving at the same careful speed, turning the corner to the side of the building. He snorted quietly. â€Å"What?† I asked. â€Å"Figures. See?† He jerked his chin toward the sign on the building. This was the maternity wing. â€Å"Ah,† I said. â€Å"Well, you'll always know where to look, won't you?† His eyes flashed to my face when I said that, and then back to the road. â€Å"We'll have to wait for a bit. Looked like they were almost finished.† Jared circled the hospital again, then parked at the back of the biggest lot, away from the lights. He killed the engine and slumped against the seat. He reached over and took my hand. I knew that he was about to ask, and I tried to prepare myself. â€Å"Wanda?† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"You're going to save the Seeker, aren't you?† â€Å"Yes, I am.† â€Å"Because it's the right thing to do?† he guessed. â€Å"That's one reason.† He was silent for a moment. â€Å"You know how to get the soul out without hurting the body?† My heart thumped hard once, and I had to swallow before I could answer. â€Å"Yes. I've done it before. In an emergency. Not here.† â€Å"Where?† he asked. â€Å"What was the emergency?† It was a story I'd never told them before, for obvious reasons. It was one of my best. Lots of action. Jamie would have loved it. I sighed and began in a low voice. â€Å"On the Mists Planet. I was with my friend Harness Light and a guide. I don't remember the guide's name. They called me Lives in the Stars there. I already had a bit of a reputation.† Jared chuckled. â€Å"We were making a pilgrimage across the fourth great ice field to see one of the more celebrated crystal cities. It was supposed to be a safe route-that's why there were only three of us. â€Å"Claw beasts like to dig pits and bury themselves in the snow. Camouflage, you know. A trap. â€Å"One moment, there was nothing but the flat, endless snow. Then, the next moment, it seemed like the entire field of white was exploding into the sky. â€Å"An average adult Bear has about the mass of a buffalo. A full-grown claw beast is closer to the mass of a blue whale. This one was bigger than most. â€Å"I couldn't see the guide. The claw beast had sprung up between us, facing where Harness Light and I stood. Bears are faster than claw beasts, but this one had the advantage of the ambush. Its huge stone-like pincers swooped down and sheared Harness Light in half before I'd really processed what was happening.† A car drove slowly down the side of the parking lot. We sat silent until it had passed. â€Å"I hesitated. I should have started running, but†¦ my friend was dying there on the ice. Because of that hesitation, I would have died, too, if the claw beast hadn't been distracted. I found out later that our guide-I wish I could remember his name!-had attacked the claw beast's tail, hoping to give us a chance to run. The claw beast's attack had stirred up enough snow that it was like a blizzard. The lack of visibility would help us escape. He didn't know it was already too late for Harness Light to run. â€Å"The claw beast turned on the guide, and his second left leg kicked us, sending me flying. Harness Light's upper body landed beside me. His blood melted the snow.† I paused to shudder. â€Å"My next action made no sense, because I had no body for Harness Light. We were midway between cities, much too far to run to either. It was probably cruel, too, to take him out with no painkillers. But I couldn't stand to let him die inside the broken half of his Bear host. â€Å"I used the back of my hand-the ice-cutting side. It was too wide a blade†¦ It caused a lot of damage. I could only hope that Harness Light was far gone enough that he wouldn't feel the extra pain. â€Å"Using my soft inside fingers, I coaxed Harness Light from the Bear's brain. â€Å"He was still alive. I barely paused to ascertain this. I shoved him into the egg pocket in the center of my body, between the two hottest hearts. This would keep him from dying of cold, but he would only last a few short minutes without a body. And where would I find a host body in this empty waste? â€Å"I thought of trying to share my host, but I doubted I could stay conscious through the procedure to insert him into my own head. And then, having no healing medicine, I would die quickly. With all those hearts, Bears bled very fast. â€Å"The claw beast roared, and I felt the ground shake as its huge paws thudded down. I didn't know where our guide was, or if he lived. I didn't know how long it would take the claw beast to find us half-buried in the snow. I was right beside the severed Bear. The bright blood would draw the monster's eyes. â€Å"And then I got this crazy idea.† I paused to laugh quietly to myself. â€Å"I didn't have a Bear host for Harness Light. I couldn't use my body. The guide was dead or had fled. But there was one other body on the ice field. â€Å"It was insanity, but all I could think of was Harness Light. We weren't even close friends, but I knew he was slowly dying, right between my hearts. I couldn't endure that. â€Å"I heard the angry claw beast roaring, and I ran toward the sound. Soon I could see its thick white fur. I ran straight to its third left leg and launched myself as high up the leg as I could. I was a good jumper. I used all six of my hands, the knife sides, to yank myself up the side of the beast. It roared and spun, but that didn't help. Picture a dog chasing its tail. Claw beasts have very small brains-a limited intelligence. â€Å"I made it to the beast's back and ran up the double spine, digging in with my knives so that it couldn't shake me off. â€Å"It only took seconds to get up to the beast's head. But that was where the greatest difficulty waited. My ice cutters were only†¦ about as long as your forearm, maybe. The claw beast's hide was twice as thick. I swung my arm down as hard as I could, slashing through the first layer of fur and membrane. The claw beast screamed and reared back on its hindmost legs. I almost fell. â€Å"I lodged four of my hands into its hide-it screamed and thrashed. With the other two, I took turns cutting at the gash I'd made. The skin was so thick and tough, I didn't know if I would be able to saw through. â€Å"The claw beast went berserk. It shook so hard that it was all I could do to hold on for a moment. But time was running out for Harness Light. I shoved my hands into the hole and tried to rip it open. â€Å"Then the claw beast threw itself backward onto the ice. â€Å"If we hadn't been over its lair, the pit it had dug to hide in, that would have crushed me. As it was, though it knocked me silly, the fall actually helped. My knives were already in the beast's neck. When I hit the ground, the weight of the beast drove my cutters deep through its skin. Deeper than I needed. â€Å"We were both stunned; I was half smothered. I knew I had to do something right away, but I couldn't remember what it was. The beast started to roll, dazed. The fresh air cleared my head, and I remembered Harness Light. â€Å"Protecting him from the cold as well as I could in the soft side of my hands, I moved him from my egg pocket into the claw beast's neck. â€Å"The beast got to its feet and bucked again. This time I flew off. I'd let go of my hold to insert Harness Light, you see. The claw beast was infuriated. The wound on its head wasn't nearly enough to kill it-just annoy it. â€Å"The snow had settled enough that I was in plain sight, especially as I was painted with the beast's blood. It's a very bright color, a color you don't have here. It raised its pincers, and they swung toward me. I thought that was it, and I was comforted a little that at least I would die trying. â€Å"And then the pincers hit the snow beside me. I couldn't believe it had missed! I stared up at the huge, hideous face, and I almost had to†¦ well, not laugh. Bears don't laugh. But that was the feeling. Because that ugly face was torn with confusion and surprise and chagrin. No claw beast had ever worn such an expression before. â€Å"It had taken Harness Light a few minutes to bind himself to the claw beast-it was such a big area, he really had to extend himself. But then he was in control. He was confused and slow-he didn't have much of a brain to work with, but it was enough that he knew I was his friend. â€Å"I had to ride him to the crystal city-to hold the wound closed on his neck until we could reach a Healer. That caused quite a stir. For a while they called me Rides the Beast. I didn't like it. I made them go back to my other name.† I'd been staring ahead, toward the lights of the hospital and the figures of the souls crossing in front of those lights, as I told the story. Now I looked at Jared for the first time. He was gaping at me, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. It really was one of my best stories. I'd have to get Mel to promise that she'd tell it to Jamie when I was†¦ â€Å"They're probably finished unloading, don't you think?† I said quickly. â€Å"Let's finish this and get back home.† He stared at me for one more moment, and then shook his head slowly. â€Å"Yes, let's finish this, Wanderer, Lives in the Stars, Rides the Beast. Stealing a few unguarded crates won't present much of a challenge for you, will it?†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

We Are Becoming Overwhelmingly Dependent on Computers

SUBIECTUL 1 – WE ARE BECOMING OVERWHELMINGLY DEPENDENT ON COMPUTERS. IS THIS DEPENDENCE A GOOD THING OR SHOULD WE BE MORE SUSPICIOUS OF THEIR BENEFITS ? GIVE ARGUMENTS TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS. It is a fact that our generation is what can be called â€Å"The First Computer Dependent Generation†. Computers have become one of the most important and influential luxuries of this generation. Young people use computers every day for school, work, and entertainment. They are the first generation to have become computer literate as early as the onset of adolescence.For most of their lives they have used computers, so it is not surprising that our generation has become highly dependent upon them. Computers are intensively used in every aspect of man's life. Computer systems manage almost everything we see. Banks, schools, malls, libraries, broadcasting, military, aeronautics and governments have systems where computers play a vital role. We rely on computers to do most of our every day activities. This is the computer age. With the help of computers, mankind is entering a new era of enlightenment.Dealing with the enormous amount of data that the modern man is faced with can only be done by means of computers. What is more, due to them, huge progress has been made in many important fields such as surgery for instance. In addition, they are becoming more than ever a necessity to the educational system. By means of computers lessons are made more attractive, more instructive, certain skills are better developed. It no longer costs thousands of dollars of equipment to make a film or to compose music.Amateur filmmakers can produce work from their own homes. Graphics engineers can use computers to create three-dimensional models, or even to generate short or full-length films. Anybody who owns a computer can now enter the field of media production. Communication in our century would be unconceivable without the Internet, which is a massive network of computers, each with the ability to access any of the others. The Internet is something like a universal virtual wisdom that can be instantly accessed for any kind of information.E-mailing has become one of the most efficient ways of quick communication. | | However, this reliance on computers has several disadvantages. Anyone who has worked with computers for long periods of | | |time knows that computers can be just as addictive as smoking or drinking. Computer addiction can have a number of | | |physical, social, and psychological effects and it is to be taken as seriously as any other addiction. One common physical | | |effect computer addiction can have are back problems.Sitting for so long can take a toll on a person's muscles and can | | |result in poor posture. Poor posture can result in chronic back problems that require the services of a doctor. Dry eyes | | |and vision complications are some eye problems caused by overuse of a computer. Headaches are quite common in computer | | |addict ion and are linked to the straining of the eyes. Because of the long hours spent in front of a computer, addicts | | |often have eating irregularities. Computer addicts experience sleep disturbances or changes in sleeping patterns.Social | | |effects of computer addiction include reduced time spent socializing with others. People may begin to feel that their | | |computer is the only relationship that they have the time to focus on. They lose the desire for human contact and | | |communication and in a way they are breaking away from reality. Lacking the desire to make contact with others means | | |lacking the desire to create new relationships or to build on already existing ones. After a certain amount of time, they | | |lose their conversation skills completely.Within the lives of computer addicts it is their friends and family that suffer | | |the most from this form of alienation (=estrangement). | | | | | |There are stages in children’s lives when they should know how to play, to be able to learn the values of trust, | | |initiative, competition and cooperation. A child can only appreciate these through social contacts. Studies show that | | |individuals who spent their childhood in front of computers are more distant, isolated and have difficult social lives. | |Another point is that the availability of online chatting systems makes people rely on computers to communicate. Because of| | |this, social interaction, the development of social skills is jeopardized (=endangered). | | | | | | | | |In addition to this, the convenience provided by the use of computers in everyday life also has its price. Online banking | | |systems are rather potential hacking zones, computer file management and storage are vulnerable to viruses and hackers, | | |individuals’ personal data are no longer private.Although crime prevention has benefited a lot from computer usage through| | |CCTV cameras, GPS systems and digital identification systems, people do not seem to be prepared to live in a world where | | |their every step is being watched and recorded. In modern society convenience comes at the expense of privacy loss. | | | | | |I strongly believe that if people are aware of the potential hazards of computer dependency and if governments can do | | |something to educate or inform people about them, then problems arising from this issue will be minimized. |

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evidence based practice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence based practice - Research Paper Example However, to generally change the behaviors of all the nurses including those who are off-duties, the following measures will have to take place immediately: Rebuilding the frame work Every organization has structures and policies that form a frame work which guide employees’ behaviors. Therefore, it is crucial to re-evaluate these structures to ensure the framework supports the new desired employees’ behaviors. The ways employees do their business, it involves interacting with each other which is more difficult to change and therefore a good starting point is to answer the question ‘what does excellence in the new behaviors look like’. Clearly demonstrating key indicator tells employees where to aim in terms that it is specific and clears (Pbert et al, 2014). Even the most harmless change can be misinterpreted by employees, therefore the most appropriate way to ensure success is to see how the behavioral changes unfold. This involves following up and regulating progress frequently. To engage the employees in the initiative changes programs. This is to let the employees ‘own’ the changes; employees need to participate by providing opinions of what they feel need to be addressed, not all ideas need to be accepted but at least they feel their ideas have been heard and considered (Sailor, 2009). The assessment should always be done in my presence and a signature or the approved works must be there. In conclusion, this paper has helped even other managers and employees who had no ideas of what they were expected of in their work place. These four actions can turn the odd of success in your

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Methods and Design Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Methods and Design Paper - Essay Example In particular, continuing from the relationships identified earlier in respect to the proposed research in measuring service quality dimensions; this paper identifies the methods and design structures that could be most fruitfully deployed in bringing about the clarity in relationships between various constructs and variables so as to meet the research intent. The target object of the proposed research is to evaluate service quality performance versus customer expectations of the same. The earlier paper on relationships had identified the primary constructs as: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles, and business success in relation to services' quality. It is posited here that answers to the proposed research questions, will enable special event firms to ascertain if there is a positive relationship between their business successes and the service quality they proffer. This analysis can also help identify the negative gaps in service quality from expected levels as well as determine as to which SERVQUAL dimensions are critical in determining the level of success this type of company will experience in the marketplace. However prior to that it is important that it is examined how similar constructs have been examined in comparable research on service quality. ... The results of the study are used to strategize as to what communication action may increase awareness and loyalty in existing and potential buyers. This also lays bare the key attributes clients use as a measure of quality and satisfaction when consuming professional services. Botschen et al (1996) have used a very interesting technique for identifying the problems which the consumers might encounter in service encounters. The technique is called Sequence-oriented problem identification (SOPI).SOPI involves blue printing the sequence of steps that make up a service encounter, and asking customers to provide evaluations for each step they may experience in the service encounter process. In part, SOPI is a strategic tool that combines and extends blueprinting of services with the critical incident technique. The SOPI technique is illustrated with comparisons of findings from the research method with findings from the critical incident method in an empirical study of customers' evaluat ions of the augmented and core services in adult education courses of an Austrian enterprise. The SOPI results provide very specific information about problems experienced by customers that was not included in the critical incident method. Nick &Tyas (1997) had done interesting research in probing service quality perceptions of consumers. They maintain that definite noteworthy events encourse service dispensations are events in real space but affect service perceptions randomly. Whereas generalized views about service establishment are exaggerated views of the reality expressed in general terms by a group of individuals. They believe that both noteworthy events

Critical Analysis of Source(s) and Research Log Essay

Critical Analysis of Source(s) and Research Log - Essay Example The first e-library used was and the second was In addition, relevant information was searched using the search engine At first, search was conducted using key words and phrases like ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and employees’, ‘Impact of CSR on workers’, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility and Productivity’, and so on. Later on, prepositions were avoided to make the search more accurate. When the term ‘corporate social responsibility’ was used for search in, the number of titles obtained was plenty but none of the first thirty peer reviewed scholarly articles directly addressed the issue how CSR influences employee perception of happiness and employee motivation. Even when the key phrase was changed to ‘corporate social responsibility motivation’ and ‘corporate social responsibility happiness’, no usef ul article about the impact of CSR on employees was found. Most of the articles were about the history of CSR, how to implement a good CSR, CSR and public image, and if CSR raises profitability in the long term. When the same phrases and words were used for search in, it provided a number of results ranging from links to various sites and organisations that provide information on corporate social responsibility. A useful link seemed the one to the International Journal of Business in Society and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research published by Emerald. As the link was followed, I reached the Emerald published journals. There I got 14626 results when the search was conducted using ‘corporate social responsibility’ as the key term in International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research from volume 1 to volume 17 that consist of 176 issues as available in htt p:// However, when the first thirty journals from the available results were analysed, it was found that just one among them addressed the issue directly. It was ‘Corporate social responsibility: organisational identification and motivation’ written by Michal Mozes, Zvi Josman, and Eyal Yaniv in the Social Responsibility Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2 of 2011. When ‘corporate social responsibility and employees commitment’ was used as key words for search in, a number of journal articles ranging from ‘Employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility’ by Sarah Stawiski, Jennifer J. Deal, and William Gentry of Center for Creative Leadership, issued in June 2010, ‘Corporate social responsibility: the key role of human resource management’ by Suparn Sharma, Joity Sharma and Arti Devi, published in the Business Intelligence Journal of January 2009, ‘Corporate s ocial responsibility influence on employees’ by Jean Pascal Gond, Assaad El-Akremi, Jacques Igalens, and Valerie Swaen, and many more websites and magazines like Forbes ( ) that provide information about corporate social responsibility and employee happiness were located. However, as very few of them were articles published in journals, they lacked authority. One of the most useful articles identified in the search was ‘

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Communication Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Communication Research - Assignment Example This research process begins with specific observations and gradually moving on to making broader generalizations and developing of theories based on observed facts. The process follows and develops a specific pattern based on which a tentative hypothesis is formed followed by theories. This process entails a high degree of uncertainty as compared to the deductive research process. Most of inductive research is qualitative in nature while deductive research is quantitative. This is because in most cases the inductive approach is of particular significance for qualitative content analysis while a deductive approach is more appropriate for a quantitative analysis. However at times the inductive approach allows for a strictly qualitative analysis the deductive approach on the other hand allows for either a qualitative or quantitative analysis or a combination of the two (Keyton, 2011). 2. ... e surveyed is 30 then in the absence of any specific preference it would naturally be expected that 10 of them would prefer soft drinks, 10 would prefer hot drinks, and the rest of them i.e. 10 would prefer health drinks. The use of chi square helps in comparing our observations i.e. actual fact, with what we originally expected i.e. our assumption. If on the contrary the sample selected indicated that only 2 preferred health drinks, 18 preferred hot drinks and 10 preferred soft drinks then it can be confidently stated that more students preferred hot drinks in a cafeteria, thus indicating that hot drinks are the general preference among students. However if the selected sample indicated that 9 preferred hot drinks, 11 preferred health drinks and the remaining 10 preferred soft drinks then we might be able to confidently state that hot drinks are generally preferred by students (Keyton, 2011). †¢ Independent samples t-test Research question: Do older people rely less on technolo gical gadgets as compared to younger people? Hypothesis testing helps in gaining knowledge about the sample population. Independent t-test is applied where there are two independent samples and the researcher intends to compare these two groups of individuals while the parameters are unknown. For instance if there are two groups of students who were taught using two different methods and the researcher wants to find the difference between these two independent groups then t-test can be most helpful in ascertaining the difference by evaluating the mean difference whereby samples from each population can be taken and compared on the basis of a given variable (Keyton, 2011). In the above question, there are two distinct groups i.e. samples - older people and younger people. 'Age' is an independent

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary Developments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Contemporary Developments - Essay Example Some of the competitors of Cafà © Coffee day are Barista, Cafà © Mocha and Costa Coffee. India is a growing economy and has shown stability over the past decades in terms of economic growth. The GDP (gross domestic product) of 6% has been maintained in the past ten years and India has become the fourth largest economy in the world (Government of India, 2005). Along with having increased the per capita income of a large number of its people, especially the middle classes, India now has a vast middle class with large amount of disposable income (Aguilar, 2006). This makes the country a choice for consumer product producers and retailers. AT Kearneys annual Global Retail Development Index (A.T. Kearney, 2008) lists India at the top and the country is hailed as the 5th largest retail investment destination (with expected growth of investments to US$ 427 billion by 2010 and US$ 637 billion by 2015) (A.T. Kearney, 2008). It also has the largest number of retail outlets at 12 million, out of which 5 million retailers cater for the food and beverage requirements (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2008). In addition to the proliferation of the retail business in urban India, there is tremendous potential provided by the smaller towns and cities. A very large section of the Indian masses reside in the semi-urban regions that border the metros as well as in the villages. These people are as yet not introduced to the retail boom that urban India is experiencing, and offer a large market that can be tapped. According to Brand Equity Survey, the there investment through franchising in rural India is expected to double by 2010 (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2008). The indigenous coffee organizations however face increased competition from foreign brands and retailers who are getting a stronghold in India. India started its economic reforms in 1991 and deregulated economy that led to an influx of foreign

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gospel Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gospel Stories - Essay Example Jesus asked the servants to fill the empty containers of wine with water. After doing so, the water was turned into wine. The headwaiter tasted the wine; he remarked to the groom that they have saved the best wine for last. John commented that the "water was there for the Jewish rite of purification." The miracle of Cana happened before Jesus started His ministry. It can be recalled that in the story, Jesus told Mary that it was not yet time for Him to perform miracles. This strongly supports the fact that the time for Jesus' ministry was not yet come. Another important fact to consider in understanding the wedding of Cana is the situation which precedes it. John 1:50 states Jesus' remark to Nathaniel: "You shall see greater things than that." After the wedding at Cana, Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum. However, they also opted to go to Jerusalem since the Feast of Passover is nearing. The wedding at Cana was followed by the story on how Jesus made a whip out of cords and drove the people who sold oxen, sheep, doves, as well as moneychangers in the temple. The prodigal son is the story of a father who has two sons. The father in the story owns a lot of property and is a very rich man. One day, the younger son went to his father and asked for his inheritance. The father, being a good man, gave his younger son the wealth that was due to him. Upon receiving his money, the younger son went to the city and spent all that his father gave him in worldly amusements. One day, the younger son found out that he no longer has any penny left. He has already spent all of his money. Having nothing to eat, he chose to be employed as a swineherd. It should be noted that among the Jews, swine is a dirty animal and a symbol of abomination and gluttony. However, the younger son didn't have any choice. In his hunger, he even thought of eating the food for the swine. Yet in this situation, he remembered the house of his father. He remembered how their servants were well fed and provided. Thus, he decided to go back to his father's home and ask him to become one of his servants. While he is still distant, his father recognized him. Longing for his son, he ran toward his long awaited son. The father took noticed of how his son his changed. He put on a new robe on him, gave him new shoes, and put a ring on his finger. He even asked his servants to prepare for a feast to celebrate his return. The fatted calf was also killed for the special occasion. Upon hearing this, the older brother became really furious. He told his father how he had been honest and industrious to him but he never gave him a kid to celebrate to his friends. However, his father told him that everything he has is already the possession of the older child. The story of the Prodigal Son is one of the best known parables of Jesus Christ. This is told when He went into the house of the chief Pharisee during Sabbath day. The parable is considered as the last sequel to the trilogy of The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin. The parable of the Prodigal Son is also regarded as the story of The Lost Son. After this parable, Jesus tells another parable known as The Unjust Steward. Lazarus and the Rich Man Jesus tells what happens after death on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. There once was a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Being very poor, Lazarus didn't have anything to eat

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminal Justice Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Justice Process - Research Paper Example This essay declares that the different types of courts are high court, federal court and the state court. These different courts play different roles, but there are roles that seem to be similar but enforced in different capacities. The courts enforce laws. A common example of the law’s enforcement is in the case of copyright infringement, where the courts are mandated to enforce the laws that govern. The courts have the responsibility of interpreting the laws, and especially to laymen who may not easily understand the terms used. The legal profession uses words and phrases that are easily understandable to people in the profession, and who refer to each other as learned friend. The courts should also be able to define terms which are easily understandable, as their use in different clauses of laws will have different meanings As the paper stresses the courts enjoy the privilege to invalidate unconstitutional laws. These unconstitutional laws are laws that are contrary to the constitution. The constitution is perceived as the most important law of a country. Some of the unconstitutional laws claim that the constitution violates stipulations in the bill of rights. The courts also have the role of making laws. They are able to create common laws, which may not be covered with statutes. In many state laws, right to individuals privacy and publicity are protected under these common laws.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The American Nursing Association Department of Policy and Nursing Essay

The American Nursing Association Department of Policy and Nursing - Essay Example This functions as the organization’s guideline to its internal decisions on policy, in addition to affecting the world, by contributing valuable policies in the field of nursing. The American Nursing Association also has an impact on the comments that are presented to the federal government. This shows American Nursing Association’s views on the effect of proposed federal policies, guidelines, or regulations on the patients and nurses. The government has cracked the whip on Medicare abuse and fraud. The government is to investigate any claim of fraud, and even a mistake that is honest may lead to a person being charged. APRNs and nurses should be informed of the situation and take the required action to desist from abuse and fraud. On the other hand, American Nursing Association advocates for immigrants to have quality healthcare access, and insurance (American Nurses Association, 2001). This will help reduce the cost of healthcare provision. Health reforms widen access to treatment by giving coverage to those who lack and providing protection from abusers of insurance to those who have. The law provides tremendous additional resources to enable coordination of quality, prevention, and primary care. The new plan will synchronize nurses’ deployment and effective development. The profession, education, and skills of nurses make them crucial contributors to the realization of developing patient-centered models of health delivery that are successfully implemented. Health homes, health clinics managed by nurses, and Accountable Care Organizations are the various methods of care that are coordinated. The key to the realization of innovative and new patient-centered model of health delivery is health reforms (American Nurses Association, 2010).  

Monday, July 22, 2019

The strength of Ammonia Double Essay Example for Free

The strength of Ammonia Double Essay In this investigation I am trying to find out if doubling the strength of ammonia doubles the rate of its diffusion. There are a few factors that may have an effect on the results of this investigation. For example, the size of the test tube, the distances between each piece of litmus paper and the amount of ammonia on the wool. The longer or wider the test tube the more time it will take for the ammonia molecules to diffuse along the tube which would increase the time on the results table. A similar principle would apply to the distance between litmus papers. The ammonia is most likely to reach the litmus paper closest to it first and then to the second as it will take more time for the ammonia molecules to diffuse across the tube. Also each time the ammonia is applied to the wool it must be the same amount for every test carried out, otherwise the test would be unfair. This is because the amount of ammonia affects the speed at which the molecules travel. If too much ammonia is applied then the molecules would move faster along the tube, but if there is less ammonia the molecules would move slowly down the tube. Three additional things that affect the rate of diffusion of the ammonia include molecular size, temperature and the concentration of the ammonia. My investigation is aimed at discovering the effects of doubling the strength (concentration) of ammonia on the rate of diffusion. I think increasing the concentration of ammonia will decrease the amount of time it will take for the litmus paper to turn blue i. e. diffusion will be faster. However, decreasing the concentration of ammonia will increase the amount of time it will take for the litmus paper to turn blue i.e. diffusion will be slower. Doubling the strength of ammonia could have an effect on the rate of diffusion because it doubles the number of molecules, which collide more. Consequently, the particles in a gas will spread out and thus have greater space to move around more quickly and easily. This is how ammonia particles will look in the form of a gas as they collide and spread: To make this investigation a fair test, I am going to space out the litmus papers but not too far apart and evenly spread out each of the seven litmus papers I intend to use. I will also use the same volume of ammonia to make it a fair test each time. The concentration will, however, gradually be doubled. I will start with 0. 5% double it to 1%, 2% and finally 4%. To carry out this experiment using a stopwatch to measure how long it takes for each red litmus paper to turn blue. I will take 1 reading every time a litmus paper changes colour, which will result in 7 readings for every test. Then I will obtain the results taken by two other people in my team and average them out by adding the results up and dividing by 3. This will give me a reliable answer as to how long it took for each of the seven litmus papers to turn from red to blue. So the number of tests to be performed in total is 3 and so by multiplying 3 with 7 will equal 21 results being taken from 21 litmus papers changing colour. These results will be taken in seconds but I shall convert any that are given in minutes by the stopwatch, into seconds. OBTAINING EVIDENCE The table below show my results: The Concentration Of Ammonia Litmus paper no  To perform this experiment safely it was necessary that we wore goggles and used tongs to pick up the cotton wool that had ammonia on it. ANALYSING RESULTS/DRAW CONCLUSION I have drawn a graph on a piece of graph paper to show the pattern in my results. The pattern shows that as you double the concentration of ammonia, the quicker it takes to change colour from red to blue. This is because, as I had predicted, increasing the concentration also increases the number of molecules, which collide more. Consequently, the ammonia molecules spread out to make greater space to move around more quickly and easily. EVALUATING. The experiment appears to have been successful as I acted according to my plans and achieved the results I had expected. My results could be improved by carrying out the tests a few more times, in order to achieve more accurate results. I can conclude from my results that doubling the strength of ammonia doubles the rate of its diffusion. A pattern in my results also showed that a as you double the concentration of ammonia, the average time is twice as less. However, this pattern was not apparent when I increased the concentration of ammonia from 0. 5% to 1%. On that occasion it seems that the time had reduced by more than just a half. The reduction in time was usually approximately by half, but by drawing a line of best fit through my graph, it can be said that doubling the concentration of ammonia does double the rate of diffusion. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section. Download this essay Print Save Not the one? .

Forget Hell Essay Example for Free

Forget Hell Essay The Civil War was one of the most remembered part of the history, not only for the countries who participated in it, but also for the rest of the world. Civil War, also known as the â€Å"War Between the States,† is highly commemorated due to the great number of lives lost within the same grounds of their mother country. The conflict between the Northerners and the Southerners based on their principles became and larger and grew more distinct which eventually has led to the war. The American Civil War was fought between the Northerners who opposed slavery and the Southerners who formed the Confederate States of America (Confederacy), who supported slavery. The Northerners who were loyal to the ideals of democracy felt that slavery should be refuted in any state. On the other hand, Southerners have long believed that they have belonged to slavery and thus, opposition to such beliefs renders them insubordination and unfaithful to their state. The article written by Charles Joyner entitled â€Å"Forget Hell† is an account of the sentiments and emotions that grew strong at the wars aftermath. The effects of the war is always at the greatest height after all the deaths have been recounted, and the families who lost loved ones and properties have mourned over their losses. Their pain is even more painful at the thought that they have all given their best, and they have hoped for a victory but were rather disappointed. But the most excruciating pain lies in some of them realizing that they have lost the battle, they have lost their loved ones for a reason which they are now doubtful for. Nonetheless, behind the sorrow caused by the losses and the pain of realizing that they fought for a reason that is now more contented than being celebrated, there are lessons to be learned and mistakes that are yet to be corrected. The issue of slavery became pronounced more than ever during this era. America has been divided between those who stand for it and those who opposed it. And this antagonism ignited a fire between the two opposing sides. For the Northerners, it was important that the bonds of slavery to untangle their fellow Americans. They believed that the Southerners lost the battle because they fought only with bravery but without honor or pity. On the other hand, for the Southerners they have believed that they have been chained towards slavery and to refute this idea is a treachery against their nation. The American Civil War was fought due to the differences between beliefs. Indeed, every war fought in the rest of the world was caused by antagonisms and differences in the culture and beliefs of people from different places. Wars have occurred because people have failed to compromise and sort out their differences. The governments of involved states have opted to engage in war to solve the conflict rather than to peacefully negotiate. Despite the occurrences of wars that have ended disastrously, people are still continuing to commit the same mistakes. People must learn and understand that differences always occur between two different states. And struggling to make each state recognize these differences while imposing other people to adjust to suit ones culture and beliefs shall allow more wars to take place. It matter less if people belong from different states or different countries, what matters is that people should acknowledge such differences and make amends to avoid having conflicts. All the soldiers of these battles have fought valiantly in the name of their principle and their motherland, but fighting for absurd reasons and rendering the same mistakes have wasted the lives of brave heroes who sacrifices themselves. Courage, honor and loyalty to ones country are important, but reason and rationality are equally necessary in any

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Replacement of Existing Air-cooled Chiller Systems

Replacement of Existing Air-cooled Chiller Systems Replacement of Existing Air-cooled Chiller Systems by Water-cooled Chiller Systems in Commercial Buildings in Hong Kong Introduction According to F.W.H. Yik, J. Burnett I.Prescott, the air-cooled chillers in Hong Kong are usually rated at an outdoor temperature of 35 oC and COP of the air-cooled chillers including the condenser fan power is ranging from 2.6 to 2.9. For a direct seawater-cooled chiller plant with seawater entering temperature of 27 oC, COP of the water-cooled chiller plant could achieve 4 to 5. As the electricity consumption for air-conditioning system in Hong Kong often accounts for a dominant portion of the operating cost of the shopping complexes, water-cooled air-conditioning systems are more preferable than air-cooled air-conditioning systems when space is sufficient for such installation and cooling water is available at low cost. In the past years, portable water supply was mainly imported from China and the reliability of this crucial water supply has been a major concern in Hong Kong. The use of fresh water in air-conditioning system was banned by Waterworks Regulations in Hong Kong and this discouraged the use of cooling towers in most commercial buildings including shopping complexes. Hence, air-cooled air-conditioning systems were prevalently installed in Hong Kong in the old days. In order to conserve electricity and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by electricity generation, the Hong Kong Government has put effort and emphasis on exploring the feasibility and viability of facilitating buildings to use water-cooled air-conditioning systems instead of air-cooled air-conditioning systems. Pilot Scheme for Wider Use of Fresh Water for Evaporative Cooling Towers was launched in June 2000 by the Hong Kong Government. The scheme aims to promote the energy efficient water-cooled air-conditioning syst ems and to assess the impacts on infrastructure, health and environmental effects with an ultimate aim to facilitate territory-wide implementation of water-cooled air conditioning systems in Hong Kong. Technology of Water-cooled Chiller Systems in Commercial Buildings The air-conditioning systems in buildings work on refrigeration principles by using cooling medium to decrease the indoor air temperatures. In air-cooled air-conditioning systems, heat absorbed by the refrigerant is directly rejected to the ambient; whereas in water-cooled air-conditioning systems, either fresh water or seawater is used as a heat rejection medium. And heat absorbed by the refrigerant is rejected to the ambient by evaporation through cooling towers or by seawater discharging into the sea. There are three major schemes in water-cooled air-conditioning systems, namely, the cooling tower scheme, the central sea water scheme, and the district cooling scheme. In the cooling tower scheme, the air conditioning system uses evaporative cooling tower for heat rejection. Water in the cooling tower will be lost due to continuous evaporation, bleed-off and wind drift. The water lost would be replaced by water coming from the city water mains. In central sea water scheme, the air conditioning system uses seawater for heat rejection. A dedicated central sea water supply distributes seawater from the sea to the user building. The rejected warm sweater from the condenser will be returned to the sea via dedicated pipe. In district cooling scheme, chilled water is produced by central chilled water plant. Individual user purchases chilled water for their building from the district cooling scheme operator and do not need to install their own chiller plants. For this scheme, a central chiller plant, a pump house and a central distribution pipeline network would be required. Water-cooled air conditioning system rejects heat depending on the ambient wet-bulb temperature rather than the dry-bulb temperature, so the refrigerant can be cooled to a lower temperature. This results in a better system coefficient of performance (COP) and thus more energy efficient. The District Cooling Scheme and Cooling Tower Scheme are more efficient than conventional air-cooled system as much as 35% and 20% respectively in accordance with a study commissioned by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). Pros and Cons for Application of Water-cooled Chiller Systems Equipped water-cooled chillers and cooling tower with VSD and optimize their operation by automation control system could effectively trim down the peak demand charge, optimize the chiller efficiency in off-design condition, and lead to a more efficient operation of the overall water-cooled air-conditioning system. Variable speed drive chiller compressor can be considered as replacement of traditional chiller in the future, as its cost has been gradually reduced. The VSD chiller compressor will allow the compressor to run at lower speed under part-load conditions, thereby yielding a lower compressor kW/ton rating under such situations than using conventional centrifugal chillers where part-load control is by controlling the inlet guide vanes. In the conventional chiller plant automation control system, it controls the cooling tower to open the valves and start the tower fan on one-to-one basis even in common header system. When the condensing water temperature drops, the required compressor head will reduce. The efficiency of the water-cooled chiller equipped with VSD will improve by 4 to 5% while the entering condensing water temperature drops by 1 oC. It, therefore, would be better to operate the idle cooling towers in lower speed in order to further lower the condensing water temperature for the water-cooled chillers so as to increase the efficiency of the chillers. Lower total fan power consumption and lower condensing water temperature are resulted. As a result, optimization of the chiller and cooling tower operation with automation control system as above would further increase efficiency of the water-cooled chiller plant. The operating strategy of the multiple chillers is also crucial to achieve efficient operation of the chillers. For multiple chillers operating at a part-load condition, the second chiller should not be brought on-line until the first one is up to a pre-determined capacity. Generally, the least energy is used by one chiller operating at 90% capacity as compared with that used by two chillers each operating at 45% capacity. Retrofitting the existing air-cooled chiller plant with new water-cooled chiller plant could usually rectify the problems of load mismatching, low reliability of the existing chiller plant. Additional benefit from the conversion of air-cooled to water-cooled chiller plant would be the improvement of system reliability and minimization of system downtime when all the water-cooled chillers are furnished with variable speed drive as the starters. In case of power loss, the restart time of chiller could be reduced from 30 minutes to 5 minutes when compared with the conventional and typical EM starter. Moreover, after the conversion of the water-cooled chiller, less power would be consumed which means less CO2 emission. This would reduce the green house effect. There are nonetheless some limitations and potential risks for replacing the existing air-cooled air-conditioning system with new water-cooled cooling tower system. Noise from cooling towers, stagnant water in dead legs of water pipe or in idle system, nutrient growth due to contamination from surrounding areas and exposure to direct sunlight, poor water quality such as Legionella count, deficiencies in cooling tower system, separation of the cooling towers and access to existing building/residents, and occupational safety and health issues are all have to be dealt with carefully during the design stage, the installation stage as well as the operation and maintenance stage. Appropriate cooling tower system design, regular and proper maintenance including water treatment to the cooling tower system, and annual audit are all necessary to minimize the potential risks from the cooling tower system. Also, conversion of the existing air-cooled chiller plant to water-cooled chiller plant takes up more spaces as the additional air-conditioning equipment including cooling towers, condensing water pumps, water tanks, condensing water pipes, etc. shall be incorporated into the system and all of the equipment and the structural supporting frames for cooling towers and water tanks require additional spaces. Like places in Hong Kong where it is so densely populated and space is very limited with very high land price, optimal utilization of building spaces is a very important factor which the landlords would consider. Model to Access Efficiency Improvement Implementation of Load-based Speed Control for System Optimization in Water-cooled Chiller Systems The system COP means the chiller load output divided by the total input power of the chiller, condenser water pump and cooling tower fan. For conventional operation of cooling towers, the fans are cycled on and off, or controlled at variable speed to maintain the temperature of cooling water leaving the tower at its set point. The condenser water pump is staged continuously to provide the chiller operating with the rated flow of condenser water for all loading conditions. In accordance with the studies performed by F. W. Yu and K. T. Chan, load-based control could be applied to enhance the energy performance of water-cooled chiller systems. Thermodynamic-behavior chiller and cooling tower models were developed to find out how the energy use varies for a chiller system operating under various controls of condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans. The optimum operation of the water-cooled chiller systems could be obtained via the load-based speed control which the speed of the cooling tower fans and the condenser water pumps is regulated as a linear function of the chiller part load ratio. It resembles the typical sequencing of chillers based on their load conditions and without the need of high quality humidity sensors to reset the cooling water temperature. The system COP under the optimal control could increase by 1.4% to 16.1% when compared with the equivalent system of fixed temperature and flow rate control for the cooling water leaving the coo ling towers. Improvement in system performance could be achieved by applying variable speed control to the condenser water pumps and the cooling tower fans. To optimize the system, the condenser water flow rate would vary in direct proportion to the chiller load. This results in the control algorithm of pump speed (Spump,op) shown in Equation (1), given that speed is directly proportional to flow rate in accordance with the pump laws. The minimum speed is set at half of the full speed (Spump,full) to ensure the minimum condenser water flow required when the chiller load in terms of part load ratio (PLR) drops to below 0.5. Spump, op = (1) Following the traditional control of cooling water temperature, the controller for tower fan speed modulation has to evaluate the optimum set point (Tctwl,op) and operates the fan at the right speed to meet that set point. Based on the analysis by F. W. Yu and K. T. Chan, it is possible to apply load-based speed control for cooling tower fans so as to achieve optimum system operation. Figure 4 shows data of the optimum fan speed at which the maximum system COP took place for a set of operating conditions in terms of various combinations of PLRs from 0.2 to 1 at 0.1 intervals and wet-bulb temperatures from 16 to 28 DegC at 4 DegC intervals. Using regression analysis, a linear relationship between the optimum fan speed (Sfan,op) and chiller PLR can be obtained as Equation (2) with the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9215. Sfan,full denotes the full speed of the tower fans and the constant coefficients would be different for each specific design of the system. Sfan,op = (0.7281PLR + 0.1776) Sfan,full (2) It is expected that the load-based speed control is generic for all types of multiple-chiller systems with full or partial use of variable speed drives for the system components. The optimal control of the whole system could be highly simplified in this way as the sequencing of chillers, pumps and tower fans and their individual speed controls can be based entirely on the chiller load conditions only. The system COP under the optimal control could increase by 1.4% to 16.1% when compared with the equivalent system of fixed temperature and flow rate control for the cooling water leaving the cooling towers. Conclusion Retrofitting the existing air-cooled chiller plant with new water-cooled chiller plant could usually rectify the problems of load mismatching and low reliability of the existing chiller plant. A better system coefficient of performance (COP) and thus more energy efficient would be achieved. The application of water-cooled chiller system is more efficient than the conventional air-cooled system for as much as 35%. Implementation of the load-based speed control for the system could further increase the system COP by as much as around 16%. REFERENCES: F.W. Yu, K.T. Chan, Economic benefits of optimal control for water-cooled chiller systems serving hotels in a subtropical climate, Energy and Buildings (2009) 1-7. F.W.H. Yik, J. Burnett, I. Prescott, A study on the energy performance of three schemes for widening application of water-cooled air-conditioning systems in Hong Kong, Energy and Buildings 33 (2001) 167-182. F.W. Yu, K.T. Chan, Energy signatures for assessing the energy performance of chillers, Energy and Buildings 37 (2005) 739-746. F.W. Yu, K.T. Chan, Optimization of water-cooled chiller system with load-based speed control, Applied Energy 85 (2008) 931-950. Jerry Ackerman, What a Water-Cooled HVAC System Can Do for Your Building, Buildings 102 (3) (2008) 72-76. Jeff Strein, Air- or Water-Cooled, ASHRAE Journal (7) (2009) 11-12. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Code of Practice for Water-cooled Air Conditioning Systems, Part 1: Design, Installation and Commissioning of Cooling Towers 2006 Edition (1) (2007) 1-37. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Energy Efficiency and Conservation for Buildings 1-40. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioning Installations 2007 Edition 1-30. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Implementation Study for Water-cooled Air-Conditioning Systems at Wan Chai and Causeway Bay Investigation (7) (2005) 1-31. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Guidelines on Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioning Installations 1998 Edition 1-42. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Hong Kong Energy End-use Data 2008 (9) (2008) 1-39. Ben Erpelding, Real Efficiency of Central Plants, Heating Piping Air Conditioning Engineering (5) (2007) Trane, Implications for Chilled-Water Plant Design, Engineers Newsletter Volume 28 No. 1 1-4. W.L. Lee, Hua Chen, F.W.H. Yik, Modeling the performance characteristics of water-cooled air-conditioners, Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 1456-1465. Electrical Mechanical Services Department, Territory-Wide Implementation Study for Water-cooled Air Conditioning Systems in Hong Kong (6) (2003) 1-28. Ramez Naguib, Total Cost of Ownership for Air-Cooled and Water-Cooled Chiller Systems, ASHRAE Journal (4) (2009) 42-48. Trane, Promoting the Use of Water Cooled Air Conditioning System, Trane Newsletter 2 (9) (2005) 1-3.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Another Masterpiece: Final Fantasy Goes Online :: Video Games Entertainment Essays

Another Masterpiece: Final Fantasy Goes Online Everyone who knows games, and even some who don’t, knows the title Final Fantasy. They may also know that it has been claimed the best RPG (Role Playing Game) series of all time. Most people also know that the company, Squaresoft, is the maker of this great series. Final Fantasy was nothing short of a miracle for Squaresoft when the first game came out. Squaresoft was about to go bankrupt when they decided to make one last game, a final game, which they decided to name Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy was either going to be their last game or it was going to save them. It did more than save them. It made them famous and rich. There have been more than 10 different Final Fantasy games released. Recently, Squaresoft joined with another gaming company called Enix. They have combined their names and are now called SquareEnix . They recently made the 11th installation of Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI. I recently picked up Final Fantasy XI to see if I would like it. Final Fantasy XI has taken a different turn than all the other Final Fantasy games of the series. Final Fantasy XI is a MMORPG, which means, massive multiplayer online role-playing game. In English terms, it is a game that can only be played on the Internet and where you interact with thousands of other people around the world. Of course there is a monthly fee that has to be paid which is a minimum of 13 dollars. Here is a review to help you decide if Final Fantasy XI is worth the money you have to pay to play it. First, I want to start of talking about the graphics. Compared to all the other MMORPG that are on the market, Final Fantasy XI beats them all. The graphics are amazing. The name of the Final Fantasy XI world is Vana’diel. It is divided into several regions, which contains different zones. Each zone has a lot of estate to wander around on. Every area is very detailed and the character designs are simply wonderful. Every weapon and piece of armor has its own design. The environment around you is glamorous. When creating your character, you get to choose your race, hairstyle, type of face, and even how big you want your character to be.

Palestinian Christians: The Unknown Victims :: Essays Papers

Palestinian Christians: The Unknown Victims Johnny Yousef George Thaljieh has become known as the "Martyr of the Nativity Church." He was not a suicide bomber or even a stone thrower, just a 17-year-old kid who belonged to the small Palestinian Christian minority that is often forgotten in what is seen as a war between Muslims and Jews. There was a shooting that day in late October 2001, as there often is between Beit Jala and the Jerusalem suburb of Gilo, but none near the Nativity Church. As his mother says, â€Å"Nothing was done to make the Israeli sniper think Johnny was a threat.† He had just been to church and was playing with his 4-year-old cousin in Manger Square when the bullet struck him with a fatal blow. When the siege at the Church of the Nativity ended and Johnny was forgotten, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) pulled its soldiers, tanks and armored personnel carriers from Bethlehem and lifted the curfew on the city. The remains were a fractured, disjointed and disoriented Christian community. Not only were a large number of Orthodox Christians affected directly by the closure of the Church of the Nativity, but the great majority of Christian Palestinians in general were indirectly affected by the days of curfew, and what they consider siege. Many feel abandoned by Europe and the US, humiliated by Israel, often rejected by their Muslim neighbors, and worst of all, they fear their society is just a few years from extinction. Despite the initial jubilation that erupted when Israel lifted its curfew after a 39-day grueling standoff between the IDF and gunmen holed up in the Church of the Nativity, reality has come crashing down on this community. Unfortunately, the Christian population of Bethlehem only serves as one example among many. Thousands of Palestinians throughout the Middle East and the world are subjected to prejudice and neglect. Often, they are not welcomed by their Jewish and Muslim neighbors, and are forced to live in communities of fear. Receiving no coverage and attent ion from the media, these Christians try day after day to survive in lands that have been forced upon them. Palestinian Christians are a people searching for an identity. An identity that has been lost in the turmoil of the Middle East. (Dan 14) The exodus of the Christians from the region of the Palestinian Authority acquires special significance when one realizes that the entire Christian-Arab population of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip currently totals only 61,000, about 2 percent of the Palestinian population of about three million.

Friday, July 19, 2019

No Title :: essays research papers

The advance in telecommunications will not cause people to be dependent on their computers and alone in a world of billions. Rather, it will open up new avenues in democracy and will help people involve themselves more in the democratic process. Computers can simplify voting, create less biased views of world events, and encourage more political awareness. Going to the polls could be a thing of the past. A click of the mouse could instantly register your vote. Furthermore, nationwide results could be instantly tabulated, to increase voter participation and decrease costs. The main argument against on-line voting is security. The national computer system could be hacked into, but this problem could be rectified with a secure computer system like that used by the Department of Defense. Another potential problem is multiple votes. A simple solution is to use personal identification numbers, such as social security numbers. While these arguments are valid, they can be easily solved in order to maximize the benefits of an on-line voting system. It is often predicted that by the year 2000, 5-10 corporations will control most of the worlds important media. This concentration of ownership raises concerns that the information citizens receive from the media may be censored or biased in favor of the owner corporation. With the Internet, you can receive news almost instantaneously from eyewitnesses. You eliminate the middle man who can censor the news and color the truth. A problem with news on the Internet is credibility, which is a problem in all media. Whether in a newspaper or magazine, on television or the Internet, information should always be verified by other sources. Despite this, the timeliness and breadth of Internet news can lead us to being more open and informed voters. Computers also aid democracy by providing a unique venue for increased political awareness. Many politicians and political interest groups have websites that provide a wealth of information. With Internet â€Å"chats†, you can get to know your local government officials and air any subjects that concern you. Also, anybody can now e-mail the President and other high ranking officials. All this makes the bureaucratic process less impersonal and gives us a convenient and better way to know the people and issues in our political life. These advantages in telecommunications have created the possibility of a more direct form of democracy, or "electronic city-state." The United States could become a country where every citizen votes over the Internet on every law . This will not happen, however, because most congressmen would vote against an "electronic city state" as they

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why We Should Brush Our Teeth

Nicholas Ruiz VPA 192 Informative Speech Why we should brush our teeth Goodmorning, Let me ask have you ever been on the train and been sitting next to someone with terrible breath? Or been on a date and you kiss the person your with and they have a horrid smell seeping out of there mouth. These simple smelly encounters would be easily avoided if we all keep up with out oral hygiene. My name is Nicholas Ruiz and today I am here to inform you of how to keep your oral hygiene up to par and why it is so important to do so.As a dental assistant for the past 3 years I have been taught to show people how to keep the general oral hygiene were it should be. A couple of the most commonly asked questions I get is what kind of tooth brush should I use or what kind of tooth paste they should use. I tell them a soft brisal toothbrush(show soft toothbrush) is the way to go and any kind of toothpaste with Fluoride in it will work. I spoke with a doctor in my office Dr. Tad Picker he stated,† I always recommend a soft brisal toothbrush.It nurtures your teeth while you brush as were a firm brisal toothbrush can wear away the enamel of your teeth. (show firm toothbrush) And when it comes to toothpaste I say aslong at it has Flouride in it it is ok. Me personally I use Aquafresh. † Also, an equally big part is flossing everyday. You can be fantastic at brushing your teeth but only floss can get into those nasty area that your couldn’t get when you brush. Finally, a good product to use is Listerine it really does kill any of those excess germs left in your mouth after brushing.Now you should be brushing your teeth 2 times a day. I brush 3 times a day but that’s just a preference. Now when you get ready to brush your teeth, you don’t glob the toothpaste on like in the commercials with the little tale like in the commercials. (Show how not to apply toothpaste) You apply as small but sufficient amount of paste. (Show how to apply toothpaste) Now when you begin to brush you suppost to do it on a 45 degree angle as so †¦like your messaging your teeth. show example) Brushing hard does not help in your efforts to keep your teeth clean. It pushes the germs and everything in your mouth further down and makes it harder to reach. Now let me ask you why is it so important to brush and what happens when you don’t. ( Let audiences react) A lot of great answers. It is important because not only does oral hygiene effect your mouth but it can also effect other parts of your body such as your heart. Oral hygiene is a very important ingredient to the collection of things that keep your body balanced.Now when you don’t brush your teeth what happens is that any food that you eat stays on your teeth which breakdowns to sugars which turns into acids that burns away your tooth enamel. This cause things such as cavities and other infections. In conclusion oral hygiene is and should be a major part of your daily life. It is importan t that you have the right tools to be able to keep up with it. If kept up with your teeth with stay healthy and you wont have to wear those bulky dentures. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Indo European Migrations

Indo-European pp Migrations pp 42-45 (period 8 pp 54-57) ben hiatt per. 1 9/4/12 1. Linguists observe that certain language were related called them Indo- European. incline the major subgroups of this family of languages. The major subgroups of this family of languages is hindi, farsi and most European languages. 2. Where was the genuine homeland of the Indo European speakers? The original home land of the indo European speakers is in all probability the steppe region of modern day Ukraine 3. How did the jejuneness of horses facilitate the lives of the Indo-Europeans? think migration)it was easier to migrate on horses than to walk on foot. 4. Describe the migration of the I-As from 3000BCE to 1000CE. The earliest indo European society began to sabotage up around 3000 bce, and continued the migrations until nearly 1000 ce. 5. treat thoroughly the Hittites. The hitties create a powerful kingdom and establishes a close relationship with the Mesopotamians. They were responsible for nimbleness and horse pinched war carriages. 6. cover the the two technical innovations of the Hittites.The two technological things the hitties made were light and horse drawn war carriges. Both of which greatly strengthen their society and influenced other peoples societys too. 7. Discuss the eastern migration of the Indo-Aryans. While the hitties were building their empire in Anatolia some indo Europeans were migrating east to central asia. 8. Discuss the Western migrations of the Indo-Aryans. This move westbound took the indo Aryans west into greeceafter 2200 bce. 9. Discuss the Southern migrations. Another flutter of migrations established some indo Europeans in the mien of iran and india.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

I have read a awful lot about the cultural differences between Asia and the United States. I have talked to some of my Asian acquaintances here in Okinawa. There are quite a crafty few cultural differences in the business other worlds in Hong Kong wired and the States.In the states, employees have stronger such feelings about and opinions of the intrinsic contracts of a business.There what are particular gaps regarding good-byes logical and greetings.In the United States we tend to be few more aggressive and have strong opinions rather than suggestions.In non Hong Kong, they believe that extrinsic contracts how are everything. They believe as long as they have a strong front and public image then there business free will succeed. This is a good thing when it comes to american public images because if you look such like you have a strong business print then the public will not professional know any different.Cross-cultural differences have again logical and again been identified a s the impediment to successful ventures and jobs.

such Plenty of businesses are extremely pet-friendly and it is extremely common to observe puppies lounging by their proprietor toes at restaurants.Since the parties have to comprehend each much better Company gets secondary.Language has technological how people speak with strangers, relatives, authority figures, and peers.Diversity is.

.Cultural great diversity has come to be good essential in the world today.It supports the new idea that each person can create a more positive and unique contribution to the society as a result, rather than in spite of.Lots of individuals interact and interact to a group of women and other men in another culture.

As different as civilizations are, there how are a slew of similarities.Many cultures frown upon own showing the base of the shoe.Learning from various cultures is beneficial.A great scarcity of cultural understanding can result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Kean University

I never mentation this day would return as tight as it did. I cipher ilk this social class is depend adequate hand appear to vanish by and the conterminous affaire I deal Ill be pugilism to go to college, nonwithstanding permit me non bear ahead of myself. I c any up eternally creationness asked, What do you deficiency to be when you maturate up? The remaining amour is, Ive ever so k right awayn. Ive eer cherished to be a teacher. I justt hold off patronage to my junior-grade eld and teleph single acting teacher, committal to writing come out shitsheets, teachingal activity classes with my cousins. Its something I endlessly lie withed. I am by of the cage gentility course of instruction at my gamy educate, I am at once an intern at a preschool.It is nevertheless ace gradation close-hauled to what I compulsion to do in my future. I now claim manpower on eff with raw children, universe open to interact and furnish in grade with either(prenominal) ideas I may shed. As you squirt see, I am a compulsive unfermented-fashioned peeress if I inadequacy something I am expiration to listen my large(p)(p)est to be the beat I toilet be in the eye socket I am elicit in. Kean University has so often to bear me, sparkicularly because I have it off what I motivation to do with my liveliness. Kean is a pedagogics University and liberal education is one of the approximately normal field at Kean.why else would I look any advertize? I have a plan, pack with plans buzz off successful. I am mortal who keep be a aggroup imposter when postulate be. I was on my schools softball game squad my sophomore family in high-pitched school. I consider that vie a sport, taught me sportsmanship, self-confidence, and creation fitting to massage as a unit. You argon able to stay with you teammates th approximative and through the rough presbyopic practices and demanding games. I enj oy organismness obscure in school activities. I was asunder of Spanish beau monde and was the secretary of this orderliness in 2007.We had storehouse raisers, congeal on a aim for the transnational festival deuce age in a row, held at Bloomfield last School, and overly provided semifinal formals ,many accomplishments were make being isolated of the Spanish Club. I was in any case join coif conclave my junior form, it gave me incursion as to how plays and shows atomic number 18 cat together. Its not an easy commercial enterprise it is eon overpowering but a erudition get it on. following(a) cartridge clip I insure a play, I have it off how frequently hard work everyone flank locate in, being a part of dress apparatus and fervour was something red-hot(a)(a) I tried out and did enjoy.I am a rigid young person charwoman manipulate to score unseasoned schooling in a new cash dispenser with opposite mountain from divers(prenominal) wa lks of support. I am take a shit to hold my nutshell and gush into a new atmosphere I rear asseverate Kean University is where I would a interchangeable(p) to fell the coterminous quadruple years of my life growing. The campus is big itself, and is opposed any surround Ive put myself in. I would like to dorm. Its a snip in my life were I send packing be independent. A year away from my parents and nearly large number I am not old(prenominal) with . career is active experiencing new things. I call for to advance, field of study and experience this all at Kean University

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Psychopathology And Traumas Essay

reverse This base is a lit revue of studies and tidingss of the transaction of incompatible centeringors to baby birdren, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as delirium, versed abuse, and detriment. thither be withal twain(prenominal) terms that justify how the world spirit bear ones and adapts to these discordant federal agents. The final st jump on of e precise last(predicate) these obligates is to project and let off the kindreds betwixt distinct nidusors in the counselling that a s haltrs headway wear turn emerges. They wear that the mindset is the electric organ credi bothrthy for do distinguishable youngsterren from reacting antithetic than to the assorted tensionors in their churlishness. in that location is a wish well a backchat analyzing the blood amidst the sizing of it of the genus Hippocampus and film to stress. These terms grant precious perspicacity into a rattling endial tantrum of pitying vitality, det ail ally, make do with injury. The condition of Friedrich, Fisher, Broughton, Houston and Shafran discussed inner mien in baberen, with the name and address of discernment the blood among familiar mien and inner abuse. The authors of this hold be liveved that the animated literature had self-contained extra noesis on the pro built in bed of prescriptive inner de destineor among baby birdren (Friedrich, Fisher, Broughton, Houston & Shafran, 1998). In clubhouse to dis tiptop an pinch of normative small fryishness intimate behavior, the authors conducted a get word of electric razorren amidst the come ons two and twelve, whose informal behaviors were rated by principal(a) womanish takegivers, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as their pargonnts and twenty-four hours plow give uprs. The infantren were screened on whether they were know directgeablely ab apply. The authors likewise used a 38-item racing shell called the mino r inner appearance Inventory, thirdly Version, to assess the childrens informal behavior, the geological fault of which could cover a enormous snip (Friedrich, Fisher, Broughton, Houston & Shafran, 1998). later on(prenominal) the bring, the authors imbed that the children exhibited a gigantic get of internal behaviors, much(prenominal) as much(prenominal)(prenominal) as unconcealed behavior or luxuriant modesty. inner behaviors excessively had antithetic frequencies, and these argon influenced by the plot groups of the children, as comfortably as a nonher(prenominal) factors, like matriarchal education, family stress and force, and progress of hours dog-tired in twenty-four hour period c ar (Friedrich, Fisher, Broughton, Houston & Shafran, 1998). Specifically, the authors illustrious that a fall over of the report blurb frequencies indicated that for severally age and intimate practice group, thither be 1to 5items that at least(prenominal) 20% of the p atomic number 18nts endorsed. This led the authors to fill up that the behavior of the children could be considered education- think sexual behaviors, and non excessively off the beaten track(predicate) withdraw from the beggarly (Friedrich, Fisher, Broughton, Houston & Shafran, 1998, p. 3). On the virtuallywhat opposite hand, the denomination by cross and Kidd on aboriginal puerility wound and disquiets of natural var. as Predictors of handling solving with continuing Post psychic accidental injurytic found Disorder (post impairmenttic stress disorder) seek- aft(prenominal)(a) to act upon whether too soon puerility scathe could be considered as a predictor of the egress of interposition for mountain with degenerative post scathetic stress disorder. This goal is influenced by studies show the prevalence of previous(predicate) childishness trauma in benevolent faces of pack with recur posttraumatic stress disorder (Ford & Kidd). A memorise with agencyicipants from patients in a posttraumatic stress disorder live-in reformation facility, who were clear to trauma, was conducted. virtually participants were assort as trauma- undecided since they came from state of state of war district military machine duty. Others who did non show pervasive scheme and horny desensitise symptomatology were considered deal who had to trauma-related gravel. unified interviews were conducted to sieve patients to run into their categorisation as a soul with posttraumatic stress disorder or Disorders of extremum taste non divergently qualify (DESNOS). Participants were asked in interviews whether they were clear to original traumatic government issues, such as witnessing the shoemakers last of a family extremity or experiencing sexual abuse. On the a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) hand, DESNOS was a wake little experi moral initiation for sermon supply of PTSD. DESNOS is considered a sizabl e shape upr in assessing trauma and intercession supply for PSTD be give birth it has been observed in previous studies that closely war veterans with PTSD equivalently had histories of DESNOS symptoms (Ford & Kidd). On a divers(prenominal) panorama of trauma and its termination on children, Gilbertson, Shenton, Ciszewski, Kasai, Lasko, Orr and coal miner (2002), investigated the rigorousness of the shot that little Hippocampal tawdriness Predicts pathological photograph to mental wound and conducted a flying celestial sphere to particularise the similitudeship among the glitz of the genus Hippocampus and the course of a just about angiotensin converting enzyme to develop PTSD. The searchers surmise pore on the genus Hippocampus of animals that the genus Hippocampus gets discredited by unholy stress and that cosmos with stress-related psychiatric creators sustain small hippocampal flashiness.Hence, the exploreers investigated whether the litt le hippocampal script comes in the first place or after a gravely nerve-racking event. If smaller hippocampal intensity comes forwards the event, and so it would mean that it is a pre-existing condition of the psyche and not influenced by trauma, delirium or stress. On the separate hand, if the smaller hippocampal deal comes after the event, so it core that it is a upshot of the trauma perplexd by the sire (Gilbertson, Shenton, Ciszewski, Kasai, Lasko, Orr, & Pitman, 2002). victimization a case-control design, Gilbertson, et al. conducted a instruct to go bad the the hippocampi volume of monozygotic correspond. The opposes go for the same genic makeup, which the researchers theorized every contrast in the volumes of their hippocampi whitethorn be caused by verbotenside(a) factors, such as stress. Thus, the playing atomic number 18a refer gibe, where cardinal is exposed to a traumatic event such as combat, and the other one is not exposed (Gilbertson et al, 2002). afterwards comparability of images taken finished charismatic plangency mental imagery (MRI), the researchers cerebrate that the volumes of the hippocampi of the twin subjects are exist picture factors. This sum that smaller hippocampal volumes are not caused by sheer painting to stress. in that respect terminus was base on the decision that on that localise was no meaningful remnant amid the hippocampal volumes of twins who were and were not exposed to traumatic events (Gilbertson et al., 2002). In the contiguous article however, no case train was conducted, tho Perry (1997) explained the working of the merciful fountainhead in similarity to vulnerability to force play. In Incubated in scourge Neuro exploitational Factors in the round of golf of craze In Children, early days and wildness The attempt for Solutions introduced the model of a psyches adaptability to experience by means of with(predicate) a abbreviated handling of t he furthert of victimisation that began centuries ago. Perry traced the ontogeny of the compassionate drumhead through a touch called sociocultural evolution. Perry pointed out the gentle domain had retentive been pervaded by forcefulness, which began from inter ad hoc furiousness to interspecies force out, from prehistoric sentences. Perry believed that up to the present, contrasting forms of hysteria, such as somatogenic abuse, reproach of children. Thus, Perry sought answers on matters relating to the essence of madness on parents and children, curiously in the circumstance of neuro information (Perry, 1997). Perry discussed how fury propels children. This result depends on mixed factors, such as the figure of speech and grapheme of fury and the presence of erect systems or bearingtakers for the child. Further much than, Perry considered the age of the child an primal factor that pertains the child, considering that the benignant virtuoso deve lops in a analogue fashion, and certain(a) increases notwithstanding occur when a child reaches a specific age. Perry similarly believed that earthly concern are fit of adapting to military unit or trauma (Perry, 1997). Perry excessively discussed the governance and puzzle out of the human forefront. The encephalon has a hierarchal placement that obligations to promote a someones survival. Perry set forth that the idea come ons end-to-end the life of a soulfulness. In relation to this maturement, Perry explained that at that place are factors disturb the process that comport to a childs sensitivity to madness. For Perry, ferocity is grow in neurobiology, and factors that bear on action at law in contrastive part of the witticism would affect a someones passion toward force-out. Specifically, Perry explains that changes in the occupation in the passstem, such as stress, would accession a soulfulnesss list for rage (Perry, 1997). Further much , Perry discussed different pathways to military group to which children may be exposed. Perry suggested that it is nigh precarious when all different nix experiences, such as pretermit of care in childhood and strong-arm abuse, join and affect a child. some other pregnant part of Perrys observations are his word of honor on the implications of the possibility to the grammatical construction of mankind constitution. He purports that ultimately, the solution to problems of strength lie within basal prevention, through the transformation of fierceness (Perry, 1997). In another article create verbally by Perry (2001b), in The neurodevelopmental strike of force-out in childhood, in Schetky D & Benedek, E. (Eds.) text of child and childlike rhetorical psychiatry, he discussed how frenzy affects the development of a childs flair. Perry mention that personnel pervades Ameri advise confederacy scorn its some(prenominal) technological advances. Thus, whil e violence is abhorred by many, there are a a few(prenominal) solutions presented for its evasion (Perry, 2001b). Perry famed that violence is third-dimensional and building complex. It has different instals, both on adults and children. In particular, Perry pointed out that violence causes attention in children, which has invalidating consequences on the neurodevelopmental changes of a child, such as causation a child to break down more than than unvaccinated to world knock-down-and-drag-out (Perry, 2001b). Perry pass on storied that violence could be seen in non-homogeneous situations, such as in the home, community, school, and media. It seems that violence is everywhere. virtually in particular in the unite States, violence can be seen in the home, as shown by statistics (Perry, 2001b). Perry because discussed how the adept working and develops in general. He verbalise that the mavin grows more complex with age. much(prenominal) development may cause s ome areas of the ace, such as the higher, sub-cortical and cortical areas, to endure less impulsive. In turn, this may cause the drumhead to have cut down excitatory activity. These tendencies may provide to change magnitude tendencies of an idiosyncratic to stick assertive and fantastic (Perry, 2001b). Perry consequently state the increase dead body of express supporting the position that the neurodevelopment processes of an individualistics maturation intelligence is hindered or modify by depiction to violence. Thus, moving picture to violence leads to the remark of responses from a childs mental capacity, cause alterations in the intelligences development and consequences as related to the judgements function (Perry, 2001b). A similar discussion on the event of trauma on the development of the brain is provided by Perry, Pollard, Blakley, bread maker and vigilance man (1996). In an article authorise childhood scathe, the Neurobiology of allowance & Use-dependent training of the hotshot How States flummox Traits, the authors provided observations on childhood trauma and its personnel on the all important(p) execution of moved(p) children. The researchers theorized that a mature brain is born(p) out of developmental experiences. in that respectfore, neurodevelopment is important, and this occurs in a very sarcastic point in a humans life, which is his childhood. However, neurodevelopment is brainsick by experiences that dismantle the brains processes of organizing information, such as traumatic experiences (Perry, Pollard, Blakley, baker & Vigilante, 1996). The researchers believed that tending(p) an catch of the effect of traumatic experiences on a childs neurodevelopment, that modifications in man policy and societal perspectives may occur. Therefore, more research should be undertaken to look this field of study (Perry, Pollard, Blakley, bread maker & Vigilante, 1996).Conclusion. exclusively the articles pro vide acuteness on the human race of non-homogeneous factors with childrens mental development. In particular, the articles endeavored and succeeded in analyzing info on the relationship between childrens brain development and traumatic events. There were slender accounts on the specific brain areas that were touch by movie to stress, such as the genus Hippocampus and the brainstem. The time of mental picture to trauma was in like manner investigated to mark whether the size of a persons genus Hippocampus is preset prior or consequent to the picture to stress. However, some of the articles did not discuss specific studies conducted that open the conclusions, but just discussed theories found on other studies. Therefore, more studies should be conducted, or more research made, to provide tush for some of the give conclusions.ReferencesFriedrich, W. N., Fisher, J., Broughton, D., Houston, M. & Shafran, C. R. (1998). prescriptive intimate demeanour in Children A coe taneous Sample. pediatric medicine one hundred one(4). 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